tax cooperation
for sustainable development
in the Global South

Tax Cooperation Policy Brief 39, 20 November 2024: Determining the Upper Bound of the Scoping Criteria for Amount B in the OECD/G20 Two-Pillar Solution: A Policy Guide for Developing Jurisdictions

By Chetan Rao, Ruchika Sharma, and Dr. Vijit Patel

Research Paper 211, 14 October 2024: The Implications of Treaty Restrictions of Taxing Rights on Services, Especially for Developing Countries

By Faith Amaro, Veronica Grondona, Sol Picciotto

Geneva Graduate Institute and South Centre Report, September 2024:

Analysis of Imbalanced Tax Treaties of Developing Countries

Insights From the Tax Treaties Explorer Database

By Aiwei Feng, Shristi Joshi and Quinn McGannon

SouthNews No. 501, 11 September 2024: UNDP-South Centre capacity building workshop for Angola on Taxation of the Digitalized Economy

By the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and South Centre

SouthViews No. 274, 30 August 2024: Taxation and Inequality in Latin America: New Perspectives on Political Economy and Tax Regimes (2023)

By Abdul Muheet Chowdhary

Amount A vs. Digital Services Taxes (DSTs): Policy Options for African Countries

Organized by ATAF, WATAF & South Centre

19 November 2024, Virtual

Analysis of Imbalanced Tax Treaties of Developing Countries: Insights from Tax Treaties Explorer Database

Auditorium A2, Maison de la Paix, Geneva

Virtual One-Day Workshop for South Centre and Commonwealth
Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) Member States on the Simulation of Global Anti-
Base Erosion (GLoBE) Rules of Pillar Two

2nd September, 2024, Zoom