Publications: SouthViews

Honduras’ Tax Justice Law: Increasing tax collection to achieve the SDGs without increasing tax rates
SouthViews No. 270, 26 July 2024

By Abdul Muheet Chowdhary, Kuldeep Sharma and Kolawole Omole

Implementing wealth tax and wealth redistribution in Sub-Saharan Africa
SouthViews No. 249, 30 June 2023

By Khanyisa Mbalati
The United Nations Intergovernmental Process – An Opportunity for a Paradigm Shift
SouthViews No. 248, 31 May 2023

By Kuldeep Sharma and Raunicka Sharma
South Asia and the Need for Increased Tax Revenues from the Digitalized Economy
SouthViews No. 234, 18 February 2022

By Abdul Muheet Chowdhary
Ending Extreme Poverty by Ending Global Tax Avoidance
SouthViews No. 227, 29 September 2021

by Abdul Muheet Chowdhary
Taxing the Digital Economy to Fund the COVID-19 Response
SouthViews No. 196, 22 May 2020

Abdul Muheet Chowdhary and Daniel Uribe Teran