Virtual One-Day Workshop for South Centre and Commonwealth
Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) Member States on the Simulation of Global Anti-
Base Erosion (GLoBE) Rules of Pillar Two
2nd September, 2024, Zoom
Event details
The South Centre and the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) seek to strengthen policies and practices of member states by training tax officials on key elements of international tax reforms which directly impact revenue collection at national levels. This capacity building exercise also enhances the ability of tax officials to participate effectively in international standard setting fora, including the United Nations, the OECD, and other fora.
Capacity building sessions offer the opportunity to analyse topics of priority for member states and those high in the agenda of the global reform effort. This is more important now as the negotiations of some international tax proposals, notably the Two Pillar solution, have been concluded and some jurisdictions are readying their processes and systems to decide which proposals to adopt and how to implement them.
Of particular relevance is the Global Minimum Tax of the OECD, formally known as the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GLoBE) rules, which has been adopted by a number of countries, mostly developed countries and investment hubs. Developing countries will certainly be affected by it and need to decide how to respond. Some policy options have been already published by the South Centre.
Questions of policy must always be accompanied by questions of administration, i.e is the policy one that can be realistically administered. In this context, a two hour workshop on the simulation of the practical functioning of the OECD Global Minimum Tax, will be conducted for South Centre and CATA member states.